What's on people's minds? Are they thinking about how much they ate and what it's going to do to them? Are they secretly worried about the upcoming December holidays and all the extra pounds they'll be packing on? What if they could CHEAT or XYNG™ at their holiday parties? How are they going to pay for all the extra holiday expenses? There are so many urgent problems you can solve with your Xyngular opportunity and products.
If they think too long...they think wrong
Here's the number one objection you'll get during the holiday months: "I can't right now because of the holidays. They're too stressful. I don't have it in my budget to get started. Call me after the holidays." If you let people sell you that excuse, you'll spend your January chasing leads that mostly won't work out.
Instead here's something that could work very well for you if you're talking about the opportunity. You say something like this. "I understand. Most of us live throughout the year with a basic income and a budget. During the holidays we have extra expenses and stress because of travel, gifts, dinners, and parties. Most of us overspend our budget during the holidays, then we have to deal with the extra expenses and finance charges in January and February or even longer.
"What is the very best time of year to be in the weight loss business? January...right? Now is the very best time of year to get trained. I have a few hours every week to work with you now. I won't have that kind of time in January."
Even though people's intentions are well-meaning, and they do want to get back with you after the holidays, almost 100% of them will find a similar excuse in January. Thinking too much throughout the holidays about all the reasons they couldn't possibly do this kind of business will give them a load of excuses. It's much better to get them resolved now. If you allow them to think too long...they'll think wrong and never join.
Where are all the toys now?
Here's another approach for those who have concerns about budgeting money for getting started with the 360 PV where you want them to enroll.
Tell them, "I understand. But someone asked me once, 'If I gave you a million dollars, would you be able to gather together all the toys that were under your tree last Christmas?' For me...not a chance. Many were broken the week after Christmas, and most found their way to the garbage early in the year.
"I thought about that this year. Would getting started right at Xyngular cost much less than those broken toys and have much more lasting impact on my family and our future?" Then you could tell your own story about paying for the broken toys in January and how much less the Xyngular opportunity costs. And you make money to pay off the toys in January and February. "I had to make a change. I had to ask myself, 'When are we going to stop this cycle of spending and breaking toys but not really changing anything?' Does that make sense?"
Holidays...the best times for building Xyngular
People who celebrate Christmas will be out shopping. They'll be spending less time watching TV and more time with family. You may find it harder to reach some people, but it will actually be easier to reach others. Not everyone celebrates the way you do. In the days surrounding the holidays, parents are at home taking extended vacation time. Friends who are taking time off may be more willing to spend relaxed time talking to you. From December 21st through the rest of the year are golden days for your business. Take advantage.
1. Plan conference calls with your team to discuss the holiday issues and role play the approaches in this article.
2. Schedule time with your team for 3-way calls every single day. Never work alone during this critical time of year. If you discuss the ideas in this article with someone else and work with them consistently during the holidays, you'll have a wonderful January.
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