December, for many people, is the month that starts the slow drain of energy into winter. You know...the beginning of Seasonal Affected Disorder (SAD), better known as mild (not clinical) depression. The most widely accepted natural remedy for depression is exercise. And exercise with How great is that!
There's tons of proof that regular exercise reduces stress, anxiety, and depression; boosts self-esteem, and improve sleep. It also strengthens the heart, builds energy levels, lowers blood pressure, helps weight loss, and helps you look better.
What types of exercise are best for depression?
Studies confirm that virtually any form of exercise can help depression. Just don't overdo it. Injury is depressing.
Do I need to check with my doctor first?
Most people can start a program without checking with their healthcare providers. However, those with a medical condition (such as diabetes or heart disease) and people who rarely exercise may want to check with their healthcare provider before starting a program.
Think about these questions to pick the best exercise for you
• What's worked best for me in the past?
• Have I needed a workout buddy to motivate me? What types of exercise work best for that?
• What fits my schedule...especially during the holidays?
• What physical realities limit my choices?
• What exercise is fun for me? What exercise is a chore?
• What are my goals? (For example, weight loss, less body fat, better flexibility, or mood improvement)
How often? How long?
Most experts agree that at least 20 to 30 minutes, three times a week is minimal. Current studies demonstrate that four or five times a week is better.
How much should spend?
Exercise that puts too much of a strain on your wallet won't last for long. Avoid expensive equipment or gym memberships unless you know you'll use them regularly over time. How depressing to give up one month into a year-long membership you paid for by credit card.
What about pain?
There's a normal "burn," mild soreness, and with a day of expected recovery; and then there's pain. Never ignore pain. If you experience You may damage to your joints and muscles if you exercise through severe pain.
If your pain is still there two hours after exercising, you have done too much and need to lower your levels. If pain persists or is severe, or you think you've injured yourself, talk to your doctor right away.
1. Put together a December exercise program for yourself and post it on Facebook. Your friends will be more likely to join you in January for a real Xyngular challenge.
2. Invite your team to join you. Pick an exercise buddy if that works for you.
3. Talk exercise at holiday parties and family gatherings. It will get people thinking.
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