Stephen Covey tells us that we all have to think like pilots. Pilots are off course a large percentage of the time and are forced to constantly make little course corrections. This training is designed to help you make these course corrections and warn you against major distractions that could take you completely off course and ruin your business. For that reason, we all have to go through the fundamentals of success in this business many times.
It's sad that most of us get our formal education when we are so young and immature. We could go to the best schools and get some of the best training in the world, but we don't appreciate it or use it to its full power because we don't have much experience. Most of us get a lot more out of on-the-job training as we come up against challenges in actual work situations.
We don't usually learn some things from our introductory Xyngular training until we are failing and discouraged. Then we listen to the next training call or read an article in the ConneXion and recognize the need to adjust ourselves to the key fundamentals of success.
So even though we may think we understand what we are learning the first time through, we need to listen over and over and read over and over to recognize the key fundamentals we miss the first time through because of lack of experience. We'll listen in on a familiar conference call and say to ourselves, "I don't remember hearing that before." It's because our experience changes and opens us up.
The fastest way to learn the fundamentals of success at Xyngular is to follow a process called PLAN-DO-REVIEW. High-energy people get excited when they first get started at Xyngular. They're eager to earn a lot of money quickly, they have great goals and high standards, and that's good. But bright, quick learners too often give our training calls and our ConneXion articles a quick glance or a one-time listen-in and say to themselves, "I already know that stuff. I'm not going to waste my time with it." Then all they do is do and do and do and do without stopping to review and then plan.
We all need to make ConneXions and conference calls a habit, not a single event. To maximize our training and our excitement with Xyngular over time, we need to constantly review and perfect what we are doing. We can only make money in this business if we are on a constant search to become better and better at what we do. That's what keeps us excited and growing and attracts others to the team.
1. Schedule time twice a week to read through your ConneXions. Read the Action Steps and do what makes the most sense for you and your team.
2. Even if you can't be on the live calls every week, carve out time to listen to the recorded calls so you keep that excitement you always hear on the calls churning in your brain. If you miss one week, you'll notice a difference. If you miss two weeks, your team will notice. If you miss more than that, everyone will begin to notice that you're not as plugged in to your business as you used to be.
3. Share what you hear and read with others and add your own excitement and enthusiasm to it. Apply at least a few of the Action Steps from the ConneXions every week. They only become effective in your business if they are shared and applied. Otherwise they're merely "nice reading" or "motivational rah rah."
Start Today!
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