Whatever you would like to accomplish, you won't have trouble paying the price to get it if you can create in yourself a clear view of what it will be like to achieve it...next week, next month, or even next year. If you were absolutely convinced that the really hard things you put on your goal list were actually going to work out, do you think you'd have trouble paying the price to get them? Absolutely not. But fear comes into the picture and steals our goals if our belief in the future isn't clear.
Successful parents help their children see the big promise before they talk about paying the price. A karate teacher might say, "you can't believe the confidence you'll have walking through some neighborhoods unafraid." With belief like that, the students will say, "Bring it on. We're willing to sweat and come to class every week."
Think about the Body Transformation Challenge. What kind of exercise and diet disciplines will you be willing to take on with before-and-after pictures and specific testimonials from other Xyngular clients reminding you every day that they did it and it gave them their life back? For a promise that big and specific, will you stay up a little longer to get your exercise in or go shopping late at night so you can have your "protein day" tomorrow? The answer...of course...but only if the promise is clear.
So what do you do to make the promise clear for you? Whether it's building an incredible business or losing the rest of your weight...get into your journal and start writing what you really want. Be specific. Spell it out with such compelling detail that you can see it, smell it, taste it, and feel it actually happening for you. Put enough planning to it that you can believe it will actually happen for you.
Other urgent but far less important things will get in the way from time to time, but if it's written down, illustrated, and reviewed often with accountability and adjustments...the price you have to pay to get it will be relatively easy.
1. Get your journal now and create your belief and your plan on paper.
2. Expand your plan to keep that belief and those plans at the top of your mind.
3. Share with others the progress you're making.
Start Today!
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