Big retailers have completely abandoned the idea that their staff needs to know about all the products they sell. The staff is there to show you where it is on the shelf, not how to use it. And they're certainly not going to stay in touch with you to make sure you succeed with it.
The well-known economist Paul Zane Pilzer calls this phenomenon the "bottleneck in our economy." What he says will overcome it is a heavy dose of "intellectual distribution." And he claims that no one does this better than well-trained network marketers.
If someone were to design a program as wonderfully effective as Xyngular's weight-loss program and put it on a retail shelf at Walmart, it would never move at the rate Xyngular Distributors are moving it.
If it had to be promoted by only by e-commerce on the Internet, it would be so drowned out with other programs that the word would never spread as fast as Xyngular is doing it.
According to Pilzer network marketing is the only way for us to truly break through the bottleneck and get quality products into the hands of people who desperately need them...especially for their health.
Internet e-marketing is low in trust
There is plenty to read about products and systems on the Internet if you have the time and inclination, but the trust level is not even close to the person-to-person communications Xyngular Distributors can use. Xyngular Distributors have actually experienced the dramatic results of these wonderful products and can personally walk their friends through the process of weight loss much easier than anything on the Internet.
What's the likelihood that people will stay on products they purchase on the Internet? What's your experience? Will it be long enough to get results or keep the weight off? Not likely. Yet if you're involved with a Xyngular friend who is watching you and encouraging you, you're likely to stick to it.
If your team is counting on you to keep going through your series of Xyngular 8-day cycles so you can win the 90-Day Body Transformation Challenge, you're far more likely to see dramatic results. You're not likely to post before and after pictures on Facebook when you're trying an Internet or retail product. But you will here because that's what EVERYBODY does.
You have a family here at Xyngular to cheer you on. So, of course, your initial success and your long-term success will be far superior to anything you've ever tried from retail or from the best infomercial in the world on the Internet.
1. Develop your own stories of products you've tried from retail and Internet stores and how long they've lasted.
2. Then, the next time someone questions you about their concerns with network marketing, share with them your life-changing success with Xyngular where so many other programs failed. Be proud to be in our wonderful industry where we're breaking through the economic barriers of our times.
Start Today!
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