The writings and lectures of Jim Rohn and all his followers promote this important law in many compelling ways. It's a fundamental principle of personal development.
You've heard of "peer pressure." It's simply the influence of the people you associate with.
Here's how the Law of Association works. If you spend a lot of time with people who live within their means, chances are excellent that you'll live within your means. If you hang around people who spend more time bowling than attending ballets, chances are excellent you'll do that too. If the people you hang around are negative, chances are excellent that you'll become negative.
"I'm not going to let anyone take me off course," you may insist. We all resolve that we're not going to let anyone yank us off course or wreck our lives, but we will let them nudge us off course or suggest us off course with a little good-natured kidding, sarcasm, innuendo or even intimidation. It happens a little at a time until finally, 10 days, 10 weeks or 10 years from now, we find ourselves asking, "How did I get here?"
There are three questions you need to ask yourself. And be perfectly honest with yourself on this! Don't ever think that this doesn't matter. It does!
1. Who am I with most of the time?
2. What effect are they having on me? What do they have me doing… listening to… and reading? Where do they have me going? How do they have me talking, feeling and thinking? What do they have me saying and settling for? And most important of all, what do they have me becoming?
3. Is that really okay with me? You need to answer these questions truthfully and often. In Think and Grow Rich, the classic personal development book that chronicles the habits of the most successful people of the last generation, Napoleon Hill says, "The number one reason people fail in life is they listen to their friends, family and neighbors."
So which of these actions are you going to take because you now understand the Law of Association?
1. Ending the Influence
This one shouldn't be taken lightly, but sometimes it needs to be considered, especially when you consider building Xyngular for your future and your family's future… especially when that business depends so completely on your attitude and success habits. You may not want to hurt someone's feelings, but are you willing to literally sacrifice your future because you're afraid of a conflict?
Disassociation doesn't necessarily need to be confrontational. Sometimes you can ease yourself out of a lot of association with someone who is wrong for you. But if you decide to do it, make it a conscious effort, otherwise it may never really happen. Disassociation is not easy, but sometimes it's vitally important for your future and your family's future.
2. Limiting the Influence
Maybe you need to evaluate how much time you're spending with someone. It's all right to have casual friends, as long as you give them casual time—not serious time when you need to be living, dreaming, and planning for the future. It's okay to spend a couple of hours now and then with some people, but not a whole weekend. You may want to spend a minute or two with certain people, but not an hour or two.
If you spend major time on minor things, you can look forward to an average, mediocre life. For a successful life, choose to spend major time with positive influences and figure out how to stay away from negative or mediocre influences.
You may say, "but I love these people. I want to be a positive influence in their lives." Well, beware of the incredible and subtle power of influence they will have on you. Don't be so naïve to think they will have no effect on you. They will.
3. Expanding the Influence
Spend more time with people who practice a positive philosophy of life. Spend time with people whose lives are filled with self-discipline, accomplishment and character.
Who are they? One of the greatest things about Xyngular is that, by following the principles of health and success we teach, you will be forced to find the right people to form a team with new, successful associations for everyone. There is no other way to succeed.
If you're unable to think of people who fit that description right away, start with some success-oriented tapes, books, or seminars to give yourself some positive association until you start attracting those people who you recognize "think right."
Start Today!
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