In the networking industry specific activities always comes before results. And in your Xyngular business, you can expect your income to follow proven, correct activities within 30 to 90 days.
At Xyngular we have a simple, easy-to-follow way to help you grow your business. You will want to track your actions on a daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly basis and, if you wish, project results based on your level of activity. You will learn to troubleshoot your business when and if the results aren't quite where you want them to be.
We have systems to plug into so you can quickly become independent and self-reliant. Even if you don't have the experienced "upline support" you feel you need, the company with its conference calls, ConneXions, online tools and regional meetings can become the "success coach" you're looking for.
We understand that each person who enrolls has differing levels of time, energy, self-confidence, desire, and talent. That's why we've made the system easy to adapt to each specific level. Start from where you are. Believe in the unique abilities and circumstances you have been given and give yourself the necessary time to get the results you desire.
Listen to live and recorded conference calls as often as you can, especially when you feel you have reached either an exciting, positive period in your business or a discouraging downturn. You need to listen in times of great success so you can make sure your excitement doesn't take you off the proven tracks of our business. You need to listen in the down times so you can identify the principles you may have drifted away from that may have caused the downturn.
Stephen Covey teaches that we all have to think like pilots. Pilots are off course a large percentage of the time and are forced to continually make little course corrections. Our training calls and ConneXion™ articles are designed to help you make these little course corrections and warn you against major distractions that could take you completely off course and ruin your business. You may need to keep a file of the most important articles and review them often with your team. You should never run out of material for encouragement and training on team calls.
Most people get a lot more out of on-the-job training in actual business situations than they ever do in school. You probably won't learn some things from your training calls and ConneXion articles until you are actually failing and discouraged. Then you'll listen and read one more time and recognize the need to conduct your business according to the key, proven principles we teach.
So even though you may think you understand what you are learning the first time through, you will need to listen and read over and over to recognize the key points you'll miss the first time through because of lack of experience. Even though you may have heard some training topics a hundred times, you'll say to yourself, "I don't remember hearing that before." It's because your experience changes your and opens you up to a whole new way of being.
The fastest way to learn is to follow a process called PLAN-DO-REVIEW. High-energy people are eager to earn a lot of money quickly. They have great goals and high standards, and that's good. But bright, quick learners too often give our articles and training calls a quick overview, then all they do is do and do and do and do without stopping to review and then plan.
You will want to take time to read and do the ACTION STEPS in each ConneXion article. To maximize your training, you have to review and perfect constantly. You can only make money in this business if you are on a constant search to become better and better at what you do. That's what keeps you excited and growing.
1. Schedule your life around Training Calls and listen to them every week either the pre-recorded calls at a time that is convenient for you or the live calls.
2. Always take time to read the ConneXion articles and once a month the Momentum Magazine. Take the ACTION STEPS seriously and share them with your team to keep them excited. Make these ideas your own by adding your own special creativity.
Start Today!
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