miércoles, 23 de mayo de 2012

Why You Should Handle Hard Issues Up Front

Imagine this happening to you…

Let’s say you give a great opportunity presentation about Xyngular to a golden prospect…
…we’ll call her “Tanya”.

She has lots of contacts, a great amount of drive and a terrific personality. If Tanya “gets it”, she could be that one-in-a-million top income earner you’ve been looking for.

She’s showing sincere interest in the Xyngular career. She asks great questions. There are a lot of good signals that things are going well.

It’s time to make “the call.”

You’re trying not to be too eager by calling all the time. You want to play it cool. After a couple of days you call to invite her to be on a conference call with you.

The call goes to voice mail. You leave the details and say, “just text me and let me know if you can be on the call.”

There’s no word from Tanya. You’re disappointed, but Tanya’s busy. Something just came up. That’s all

A few days later you remember a lunch meeting you planned with Tanya.

You call her. “Hello, this is Jane,” she answers.

“Hi Tanya! This is Cassie from Xyngular. How are you? I missed you last week.”

“… Oh … uh … yeah … Hi! … I’ve been wanting to call you. Hey, I’m sorry I didn’t text you before the conference call last week, I heard your message … I was just … uh … I got too busy, you know …”

“Not a problem, I understand,” you say. “But hey, I’m looking forward to lunch tomorrow. I’m just calling to confirm. Does noon still work for you?”

… silence.

“…Uh, Jane? Are you still there?”

Finally she says, “…yeah, I’m here …You know, I’m going to have to cancel.”

“Oh…Ok…well” you say, “that’s alright, we can just reschedule for next week, how about Tuesday?”

There’s an audible sigh. “No … I mean … I don’t think I’m … uh … interested in doing lunch”

You’re stunned. What can you say?

You swallow hard and use a weak voice, “… uh … well…what’s this about, Jane? I mean … the other day you seemed so excited.”

“I’m sorry. I was really excited. And this isn’t about you. But … uh … after our talk I shared our conversation with some of my friends and … they thought I was crazy. It’s just … you know what I mean … Network Marketing. Everyone had a story … “I did that kind of thing last year, and all I ended up with was fewer friends and a whole lot of useless products.”

What can you say? “Well, Tanya, as you probably know, some of the best people …”
She interrupts, “Hey, I mean … uh … I’ve gotta go now, but, well … I’m sure this is going to work really well for you. It’s not right for me. I’ve gotta go, I’m so sorry.”

Does that sound familiar?

So what are you going to do?

• Forget about Tanya and say, “next!”

• Go back and keep calling her … maybe “stalking” her will work … this time.

• Get prepared to handle the “hard issues” earlier before the “dream killers” show up.

What if you had been there when Tanya’s friends were telling their stories. Maybe you could have overcome their objections. But the truth is … you’re rarely ever there when these conversations happen.

You have to get your prospects prepared for the nay-sayers, or their excitement will get squashed. And when it’s gone … it’s almost impossible to get back.

It isn’t just Network Marketing that could do it. It could be weight loss, it could be “not another juice.” It could be anything. That’s why your presentation needs to address all four elements and bring up the hard issues. Don’t let your best prospects become victims of negativity. Warn them about friends and family and give them some compelling reasons to get back to you when the negativity shows up.


1. Make sure you always give a “four-legged” presentation with (1) product, (2) company, (3) opportunity, and (4) industry. Don’t leave any of the four out or you could be shooting yourself in the foot.

2. Have a hard discussion about “dream killers” and ask something like this, “Who’s going to try to talk you out of this?” And, “What are they going to tell you?” Then, “What are you going to tell them?”



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viernes, 18 de mayo de 2012

Create your 100-Names List

When you read the success stories on your website of people who are succeeding in this company, you'll see all kinds of people, young and old, experienced professionals and novices to business, men and women, tradesmen and salesmen, health care professionals and stay-at-home parents. This will give you many ideas of friends and relatives you can contact. After all who couldn't afford to lose a little weight, come out from a lot of financial stress, and gain new hope for a real Xyngular lifestyle.

Making a 100-name list of all your possible contacts is one of the first and most empowering things you will ever do to build this or any business. It's no different than making an invitation list for your daughter's wedding or a list for inviting friends to a new restaurant you are opening.

Compare in your mind two teams starting the same day at Xyngular. One team insists that everyone start by making a 100-names list. The other team doesn't. Which team will be more successful?

How to make your list
There are lots of ways to create your list, but you'll want to make yours as though you were being paid $100 per name. Gather at least 100 names. Twenty-five is a good place to start during your first 72 hours in the business. But don't settle for less than 100 to really launch your business. Two hundred may be too many. Fifty isn't enough.

Use the contacts in your cell phone, address books, email contacts, holiday card lists and any membership lists you have. Use the Yellow Pages of your phone book to help you think of people you know. Let your upline help you create your list if you get stuck.

Some teams get together and have a party to help their new people immediately create their lists and help everyone add to their list. They use a stopwatch and give fun prizes for those who can come up with the most names in a few minutes.
Write the names in your planner, your computer or on a separate sheet you print out from the "Tools" section of your Back Office. You'll want to show your first 100 names to those you recruit because example is the best teacher.

Don't pre-judge
The more you work in this business, the more you'll be amazed at who is most likely to succeed. You truly cannot predict success. Just write down all the names that come to your mind. Free up your brain by getting the names on paper. Don't prejudge. Everyone you think of will need optimal health, some weight loss, a financial opportunity or all of these.

Create a top 25 list
Once you have 100 names, rank them: (A) Has influence over others, (B) Has money and (C) is a "people person". Once you have them ranked, transfer those names to another list of your 25 top names according to their circle of influence. You'll want people who are really involved in other people's lives. People in insurance, real estate, plumbing, anyone who has lots of contacts or meets a lot of people is ideal. You'll want to focus first on people who can truly afford the products and would be willing to invest a small amount of money and time in getting this business going. Think of people who love the telephone, love working from home, have a lot of drive and can't stand to give up on a dream.

Think of people who do presentations all the time. Those with large circles of influence are exceptionally good in this business. It may be good to start calling those who can most easily afford the products. But it isn't only those people who can succeed here. Often the trusted person with a small circle of influence can enroll someone with a large network. It's often the person who's desperate for an income and willing to go to work who will create the greatest success. 

Sometimes you just want to identify your most trusted friends and relatives, someone who would answer your call in the middle of the night. As quickly as possible you'll need to build a team you can love, respect, and trust.
This list will begin to dictate your game plan. Gathering your 100-name list and your top 25 will drive you to action in building your business. You're looking for your ideal team and excellent partners. You don't want just anyone.

Keep adding namest
Make it a point to keep your 100-Names List handy and add new names as you think of them. Some Distributors keep an incomplete list in their jackets or purses so they can write in names as they think of them. They keep their list handy for making calls in the nooks and crannies of the day.


1. Fill out your 100-Names List as though you were earning $100 for each name.

2. Select your 25-Names List. Add email addresses, addresses, phone numbers and notes about these people.

3. Using a page in your planner, add new names weekly as you think of others you want to call. Carry these lists with you so you can make calls in the nooks and crannies of your day.

jueves, 17 de mayo de 2012

How does a job stack up against the Xyngular opportunity?

People who are new to network marketing are sometimes unfamiliar with the entrepreneurial mindset that is required to build a successful business here at Xyngular®. They need to know the difference between a job and an opportunity. Here's a way to illustrate that difference and anchor your commitment.

Suppose that at your job, your boss invites you in and tells you that for the next two years she'd like you to work an extra five to ten hours per week…not doing your current work, but something completely different. "You'll have to be absolutely committed to those extra hours every single week," she says. "No cutting corners, no excuses, no 'sick days.' How does that sound?

"Uh…there's…one thing," she says. "You won't be paid for the extra hours. You'll work your extra five to ten hours a week for the next two years…for nothing.

"At the end of the two years, if you haven't missed any hours or any of the tasks I'll assign, you'll retire on full salary—for the rest of your life!"
That's right, at the end of the two years you'll have your current salary every month for the rest of your life, no matter what else you do.
What do you think about her proposition now? Would you do it? Even if it meant doing some menial, disagreeable tasks that would normally be below your qualifications?

If you really were given that promise, what would make you quit early? Would the pressures of life get you to quit early? Would your spouse's complaints about fixing the screen door get you distracted or prompt you to quit? What if the tasks were like cleaning toilets? What if it required you to get out of your comfort zone? What if you had to talk to friends and family or learn to use Facebook for the first time? What about discouragement? Would you be willing to go through some ups and downs for a promise this big.

This is the way Xyngular works. You learn the skills from your upline and on training calls and invest the time to grow the business from nothing into something because in the end there's a major residual income that can last a lifetime.
Does that opportunity exist anywhere else? No! No other industry and no other business gives you this kind of leverage—certainly not your job!

1. Make a list of people who have complained about their job and share this story with them.

2. When someone complains about having to get out of their comfort zone and learn new skills, have this story ready to share. 

3. When someone complains about the network marketing industry, share this story.



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domingo, 13 de mayo de 2012

How to lead others to the miracle of change and becoming more than they ever dreamed

There are three fundamentals that leaders must follow if they are going to build a team of believers…people who know they can change and become successful.

1. I must change first
2. I must hold to the process of personal development UNTIL I become a leader
3. I must build and associate with my team of believers

This is how we would say it at Xyngular. I believe in the life-changing process of personal development. I believe that I must change first and be continually changing and improving if I'm going to lead and inspire anyone else to change. I will constantly change myself and be committed to that change by associating with my team of believers and fighting off all doubt and dream destroyers. I will hold onto the process that will transform me into a leader UNTIL I become one.

I love that word "until." How many 8-day cycles of IGNITE will you follow UNTIL you reach your goal weight? How many days of exercise UNTIL you're healthy again? How many Success Days of talking to 3 people a day are you going to have UNTIL you have someone sponsored? How many days of doing 10 follow-up calls? How many Success Weeks of giving five or ten 3-way calls are you going to do UNTIL you have a Success Month? How many Success Months are you going to commit to—of enrolling 4 or more and training them to do exactly what you do—UNTIL you reach your financial goals? How many books on personal development? How many Conference Calls will you attend?

We all love to hear about impossible transformations in other people's lives. It's inspiring to hear of things that seemed impossible at first but over time, through many people working together, they happened.

Success is a habit, not an event
Building an amazingly successful Xyngular business and helping thousands to change their lives doesn't come from a single courageous, dramatic event. It's a series of small commitments and habits that, taken alone, don't seem to be all that significant. But compounded together they create spectacular success. It's doing the little things that are easy to put off. It's consistently making time for the important but simple things that few people will notice or praise. 

Revisit your vision
To maintain belief in yourself and your team enough to accomplish these daily commitments, you need to continually visit your vision of future. Remind your team, "can you see a day beyond today when all over the world, because of what you are doing, people are sharing their before-and-after successes on Facebook? Can you see the 'obesity epidemic' turning around…fewer unnecessary deaths, surgeries, cancers, diabetes, and heart problems?"
Who will we have become in that day? Will we have abandoned our vision and dream or will we be the miracle workers with the power to give our fellow men hope and vision of what they can become.

1. Make personal development a daily habit, something you schedule into your busy life without fail. It will make everything else in your life work better.
2. Make an UNTIL list. List the simple processes and habits you will commit to doing without fail UNTIL you reach your goal.



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sábado, 5 de mayo de 2012

How to keep Distributors from quitting

Have you ever had one of your Distributors call and say, "I'm ready to quit! This business just isn’t working for me…"
Your mind races to all the hours you spent sponsoring and training that person… driving back and forth, taking their calls, answering endless questions, picking them up for Eat N Cheats, pep talks, dream boards, contact lists…
Then they have the nerve to call and say they're through!
Your choices: depression or fury? Well… there are other choices …
You can try to coax, manipulate, and plead to try to convince them that Xyngular® really does work… it will give them what's on their dream board if they actually work the business and stop talking about doing the business or planning to do the business.
Or… you can show and prove to them that doing small, manageable, daily actions actually works to make them money.
Which one do you think will work the best?

Simple actions, consistently done, compounded over time
When daily actions and decisions "compound," a wonderful thing starts to happen… they make money. The key is knowing which simple actions to show and do with your new Distributors, and what to track.

Start with the fundamentals: contacts, follow-up, 3-way calls, etc. If just these first 3 are in place, money starts to flow. The key is to make sure that all three are done every single day before their head hits the pillow at night. It's not enough to tell them, "Just get out there and do it!"
They need a simple tracking system and accountability list that prompts consistent action and asks the right questions, like "Are you making enough contacts with new people? Are you following up enough? Are you doing enough 3-way calls?" And after they've recruited a bit, you'll ask… "Are you giving enough demonstration training to your new Distributors?"

Any simple tracking system, consistently used, will tell you the answers you need. You'll do these together at first and check them off, then they'll start reporting regularly. They simply check off their business-building actions as the day passes, and at the end of the day send their report via e-mail, text, Facebook, voice mail, etc. Soon it starts happening once a week. Then they get their team to use it.

The best thing about accountability and clear tracking is knowing exactly where you're headed. You don't have to guess. You don't have to worry about wasted efforts or wasted time.

An effective tracking system can be as simple as a list of actions or a table with a few simple numbers reported. Please don't make it too complicated.

Accountability and tracking takes all the excuses out of training your team and charts a straightforward course toward a huge downline and exceptional daily Xyngular checks.

1. Start with an accountability partner of your own. Figure out together what key fundamental actions make all the difference in your success and how you want them reported to each other.

2. Then start your favorite accountability tracking system with your team. Experiment with all the different media until you find the one that works best for all of you. Talk it over as a team, and make it as easy as possible for everyone. Make sure if it's publically reported that it's used for celebration not punishment or intimidation. Never give up until you have a system that works.



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jueves, 3 de mayo de 2012

How to cut through information glut and communicate with your key team players

We've all heard the complaints, "nobody opens e-mails anymore," "Facebook only gets through to the social media junkies," "my team won't get on our conference calls," "I have to send texts or voice mails to get any reaction," and on and on.

Communications have morphed so much in the last few years that we're all scratching our heads wondering if anyone or anything we say can cut through the information glut we're all experiencing. Busy, part-time Distributors with full-time jobs have a hard time taking it all in, especially if it gets redundant or has little relevance to their success.

Here's our take…The glass is half full. Today there are many more ways to communicate easily and affordably than ever before. All we have to do is (1) provide truly useful messages so people will always want to hear it and even look forward to it, and (2) send it out in all the ways people like to connect.

You can't just write a simple e-mail any more. There has to be a Facebook post, preferably with a before-and-after picture and maybe even a video. A short Twitter statement great headline and a link will work in some cases. More and more leaders are using their inexpensive video cameras to make one-minute "talking head" announcements and sending them out. Of course, texts and voice messages often get through when nothing else does.

Training Programs
The days of intensive trainings for new Distributors are not over, they just need to be broken into compelling bite-sized pieces that don't take too long in one session. They need to give new Distributors only what they need to start earning money right away. Then you can drip training on them by talking about and promoting Conference Calls and your favorite ConneXion™ articles. This can drive personal development and leadership training, which is essential for your team's success. All training and communication has to be short, easy to scan, multi-media if possible and exciting to share.
Some people can't stand to read any more. Others don't have time for lengthy voice messages. They'd rather read something quickly and get it over with. They love bulleted lists they can scan quickly. Some love listening to CDs and MP3s in their car as they commute. Others love the energy and excitement of conference calls, especially recorded ones. Some will only check smart phone messages or voice mail…when they have time.

How do you plug in your team and keep them excited? Don't try to do it all yourself. Take advantage of all the ways Xyngular reaches out…Facebook, Twitter, ConneXions, Momentums™, Conference Calls, events, etc. Glance through it all every time it comes out, and pick the most compelling stuff. Call and talk with your key team members, and invite them to share with their teams.

Keep reading and listening. Listen to recorded calls regularly. You can stay connected now better than anyone in the history of our industry could in all the decades before.

1. Build communications networks within your team so you don't have to personally call or leave text messages for everyone.

2. Create files of the best ConneXion and Momentum articles you want to use for your team communications. Send links with quick notes by email, Twitter or on Facebook when you see something great. It has to get circulated with a quick personal endorsement or it may never be noticed.

3. Train your new Distributors to send in testimonials with before-and-after pictures. If they do it on Facebook to promote their business, encourage them to send it to the home office as well. If they're involved in corporate communications, they'll be more likely to check the ConneXions regularly.

4. nvite your team to participate with their own success stories on conference calls. Everyone is more likely to listen if there are lots of compelling stories from all types of people.



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