sábado, 29 de octubre de 2011

Would you have your success determine your attitude or your attitude determine your success?

Who is in control of your attitude? Do you deliberately choose to shape your attitude because your attitude determines your success, or do you wait for success and let it shape your attitude? It's much easier to drift through life letting whatever comes your way determine your attitude. If you have some good fortune, your attitude climbs. If your luck runs out your attitude plummets. It's clear that "attitude determines altitude" especially in your XYNGULAR business where we are in the relationship business. It's clear that deliberately shaping your attitude will affect your bottom line. But how do you do it.

Mary Kay Ash tells the story of a prominent speaker who was scheduled to give a motivational speech at one of their seminars. His plane was late, and she stalled until she saw in the wings that he had arrived. As she began her introduction she "glanced over and noticed him pacing back and forth, then jumping up and down and beating on his chest." She wondered what kind of person she was introducing.

But he ran out on stage and gave a wonderful speech. When Mary Kay asked him about his strange actions off-stage, he responded, "My job is motivation, but some days I just don't feel up to par. Today was one of those days. I had an exhausting morning with the flight delay, and by the time I arrived here I felt drained. So I had to churn up my blood with some exercise and chest-beating."

You may not need to beat your chest when those low days show up in your life, but you'd better have a plan that works for you before you make that first call. Use a mirror, post your favorite quotes about enthusiasm or attitude, exercise, take a XYNG, or do whatever it takes. A daily dose of personal development might be an essential part of your morning ritual. But don't start your day or your calls without deliberately checking your attitude and turning on the lights in your head, your eyes, and your smile.


martes, 25 de octubre de 2011

Drinking from a fire hose

Eighty-percent of all Distributors in our industry are women, so women's issues, women's needs, and women's attitudes and aspirations are essential to our success at Xyngular.

Although there are many reasons for joining Xyngular and building a business, the quintessential reason most women eventually give for building a career here is work-life balance.

Women are natural multi-taskers. They hate being caught in an inflexible job where they have no wiggle room to multitask in the way that fits them and their family. A Xyngular career offers the opportunity to balance work, family, friends, and personal interests. It empowers women and gives them confidence.

They can make more money here

The hours-to-dollars ratio at Xyngular often amazes women. Many who formerly felt male-dominated, see that they are equal or even have greater advantages here. They see themselves making as much money in a few flexible hours a day as they used to make in a full-time or other part-time job.

A natural extension of who women are

Networking is what women do naturally without a compensation plan or products. They share and compliment each other on the way they look, their weight and their health. Xyngular is a simple extension of natural instincts. It's a way to get in touch with long-lost friends and spend even more time with close friends and family. With social networking technology growing and expanding, women are finding it easier than ever to reconnect with friends they've been neglecting.

Family friendly.

In our difficult economy, many husbands have been rescued by their wife's part-time Xyngular business...and decided to join them. We often meet them at Sundance events. That, in fact, is why we bring couples to Sundance, so the family "team" can see the full Xyngular career potential and how it can work within their flexible family structure.
Cara Rapp is a perfect example of building her business fast so her husband, could have the confidence to "quit his job if he needed to." He didn't need to because his company saw his value and made him the kind of offer he needed. "We would have been miserable in his old job situation, but in three-and-a-half months with Xyngular everything changed and our family is so grateful. Within four-and-a-half months I've earned about $45,000 in my Xyngular business...part-time."
That's family power. That's women power. You never know when you're talking with a friend if Xyngular could be their answer to prayers.

The confidence factor

After being in Xyngular for a few months and developing the "voice" they need to succeed here, women find that they could never go back to the quiet, more timid life they lived before. Many women who have been staying at home with children or working a job that is not challenging them, find that when they do Xyngular, they move into a whole new position of confidence and power. This personal development can improve their marriages, help them better manage their family affairs, and give them the time-freedom they crave.

When a woman's financial contribution to a family turns from a little extra income into more of the "bread and butter," husbands can grow in confidence as well, especially with the flexible hours and the excellent return on the hours spent. With entrepreneurial thinking, both men and women have greater confidence in the future.
There are difficult family situations for both those who are losing their employment and those who are getting The recession has caused everyone to be more introspective and wonder what's coming next. Xyngular gives women the chance to look at themselves down deep and say, "I have amazing potential. I'm a smart and capable person. I can take hold and guide the direction of my life." That's what women crave.


sábado, 15 de octubre de 2011

If it's to be it's up to me

One thing that attracts people to Network Marketing and to Xyngular is that everyone is equal in the beginning. Because of Xyngular's straight-line Compensation Plan, everyone is able to share and grow with the company. No matter where or when you start, by learning the basics and executing them skillfully, you can make as much money as you want.

In most industries, to be a company executive, you have to have extensive education, skills, and training. Before you even start onto the leadership track, you must spend large amounts of time and money in training and skill development. At Xyngular however, you earn as you learn, and your speed on your journey to the top is largely up to you as you develop your recruiting and leadership skills.

Freedom and entrepreneurship...a good thing and a bad thing
At Xyngular, you decide your future. Nobody will fire you for missing a day or doing something else with your time. If you choose to fix the screen door instead of making your calls one day, no one will notice...right away. It's unlike job where you report to a boss. This attracts so many people to network marketing.

However, that same freedom can be a pitfall if you don't work hard on developing your own self discipline. That's why Xyngular leaders are always saying, "work harder on yourself than you do on doing the actual Xyngular business." So many other urgent things can take up your time and distractions are everywhere.

Set your own standards
You and your team get to send your own standards of success. You can call it your team "code of honor." Because it's up to you, it could be easy to neglect. But it's vitally important to set standards for your daily method of operation, your weekly goals, your accountability systems, your regular attendance on conference calls and team meetings, etc. You need to set standards for how much time you spend making contacting calls and follow-up calls. You need standards for connecting with your team members.

Nobody evaluates your performance but you...unless you set all that accountability up the way you want it. Nobody tells you what to do or how to do it...so you need to make sure that someone is always telling you what to do and how to do it well. You need to make sure you're helping others stick with the basics and do only those things that really move their businesses forward.

That's why you listen constantly to conference calls and success CDs. That's why you're always reading and listening to the ConneXion. If it's going to happen, you have to make it happen!

You have the choice to barely scrape by or to soar to success. Without standards and systems, it won't happen. They can't be complicated or too time consuming, but they also can't be neglected.

It's true that at Xyngular nobody has an advantage over anyone else. No amount of education or number of years in any other industry gives you a leg up. But creating simple systems to guarantee and celebrate success will make a huge difference in how your business...and your life...turn out.


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© 2011 Xyngular Corp. http://www.Xyngular.com. All rights reserved.

"Sundance was like nothing I've ever experienced"

I loved meeting everyone at Corporate and felt so cared for the entire time.

My one-on-one time with both Marc Walker and Glen Oliver was so uplifting to me. It was great to get to know more about them. It's amazing to see such men of integrity leading our company.
I also enjoyed meeting everyone else who attended, their spouses and companions.

Our accommodations were top notch, everyone at Sundance treated us like royalty. The food that the company provided was amazing, and I didn't even gain a pound!

I want to thank everyone at Corporate for their warm reception when we arrived and for taking such good care of us each day we were there.
I can't wait for more of our team to experience Sundance...the hike to the falls, meeting other distributors from around the world, spending time with corporate staff, all of it was an experience of a life time.

Thank you Xyngular for all these amazing trips you send us on.

Joanne Wolff


domingo, 9 de octubre de 2011

Travel the world on Xyngular... before those in other companies even win their first trip

Xyngular's amaXYNG Passport Program always ranks near the top of all the exiting things that set us apart from other companies. Our Distributors can earn 6 separate travel rewards, bonuses, and trips by the time most Network Marketing companies even start sending Distributors on a trip! Think about that--if you and a distributor in another company both started at the same time and reached the same volume, you would have had 6 major Passport rewards before the other distributor achieved their first reward! That's revolutionary!
In the words of Xyngular President Marc Walker, "Xyngular's Passport Program is mix of rewards and incentives to motivate you and help you build your business.

"Number one, we start with the Sundance Headquarters Retreat for newer leaders who achieve their first 10,000 in group volume. We fly them to our office to meet the corporate team and other leaders. They build their belief in Xyngular and share what is working for them with others who attend.
"Second, there are $500 and $1,000 Event Cash Rewards that Distributors and leaders receive at our major events.

"Third, there's free airfare and hotel accommodations at a Director Invitational event.
"Number four, we offer an amazing International Business Builder Trip that allows a leader to go to a country anywhere in the world where Xyngular does business to build a team. Because of this special trip, they're able to build an international business on Xyngular's dime and do it much quicker than they might otherwise be able to do.

"Then number five is the 50K Getaway which allows our leaders to relax, recharge, share best practices with each other, and see parts of the world they might not otherwise see. The 50K Getaway is earned by achieving only 50,000 in group volume.

"And, we have the Executive Retreat where top leaders spend one-on-one time with our corporate team and make serious, top level plans for taking their business to major new heights.

"We built the Passport Program to be both a fun and a practical part of our Compensation Plan."

The incentives start with branded Xyngular passport and luggage tags and go on to such things as a Caribbean cruise, a trip to Dubai, a return to Sundance for an Executive Retreat, and on to somewhere amazing like...say...Bora Bora! With Xyngular, you don't just see the world--you get paid to see the world!

No Hurdles...Xyngular Compensation is built on incentives, not penalties

In our industry many compensation plans are so complex and full of penalties and hurdles that Distributors are clueless about how to maximize earnings with minimum effort. That confuses and slows them down. It seems to take forever to break even. Many don't break even. Those who drop out give our industry a black eye, saying, "you can't make money in network marketing unless you're at the top of a huge tree." Sadly, in many if not most companies, that's true. Not at Xyngular.

At Xyngular people can move into significant income quickly. We hear the stories again and again. There are no confusing hurdles or penalties. Their belief window for making significant income opens wide within the first few weeks of joining. They see clearly how to break even quickly and make significant income right away. They move through the stages of advancement based on Group Volume without all kinds of qualification and recruiting hurdles.

So what are the hurdles in other companies that don't exist at Xyngular?

Hurdle #1: Structure Qualification Penalties
In most other companies emerging leaders go crazy begging their people to reach difficult goals before the end of each month. Closing out each month becomes a nightmare. Not at Xyngular. At Xyngular you qualify by simply growing your Group Volume, not begging and coaxing your people to recruit and promote.

Hurdle #2: Timing Penalties
At Xyngular we want you to get to Manager as soon as possible. You get there by maintaining only 2,000 in Group Volume…that's all. At that point your commissions go up dramatically, as much as 20%. That's on a group volume of only 2,000 GV. That's a huge pay raise that comes quickly in your career.
At only 10,000 Group Volume you're invited to Sundance and get to know the leaders of the company on a personal basis. In most other companies leaders have to jump through a lot more hoops and qualify on a lot more levels before they're given their first travel incentive.

Hurdle #3: Constant Recruiting Penalties
In many companies Distributors are required to fill constant recruiting quotas to qualify for the higher commissions. At Xyngular we provide attractive incentives rather than penalties to encourage recruiting. They include Rapid Rewards and Quick Start Bonuses.

Hurdle #4: Personal Volume Penalties
Compare our simple qualifications with the suffocating personal volume penalties of other companies. At Xyngular we only require a basic supply of products to use and share every month. You're qualified forever on that minimum 120 PV order.

Hurdle #5: Monthly Fees and Tool Expenses
Many companies charge expensive monthly fees for website marketing systems and tools. These charges make it difficult if not impossible to break even quickly. At Xyngular most handouts are available to download off our website. There are no added charges to slow you down. You don't have to coax your new Distributors to buy and distribute lots of expensive magazines, catalogs, DVDs, CDs, and brochures so they can succeed. Ask distributors from other companies about obsolete supplies and inventory sitting in their garage.
At Xyngular there's only one affordable $19.95 annual fee. We even have free online training, free online tools, money-back guarantees, and no shipping and handling fees on orders over 200 PV. At Xyngular Distributors win their way to events so they're not spending a fortune on travel to make a little part-time money. An average person can definitely earn full-time income on part-time effort.

Hurdle #6: Breakage
This is a hidden penalty more than a hurdle. Most companies claim to pay huge percentages, but they actually pay out far less because of something they don't want you to know about called "breakage." This dirty little secret happens when someone in your downline drops out or doesn't qualify. The money you would earn from people positioned below them evaporates up to the company as "breakage." Not at Xyngular.
We use Dynamic Compression so you are always paid on all levels--from where the product is sold all the way up to you. You could earn from dozens of levels down.

Hurdle #7: International Boundaries
This one is more of a hidden road block than a hurdle. Other companies don't put you in line to benefit from company-wide, international growth. At Xyngular we have no international boundaries.
In other companies if someone builds on another continent, you wouldn't see a single penny. But at Xyngular, as the company explodes internationally, and that's happening right now, we're paid commissions through corporate Sales Pools on all that world-wide growth. It starts the moment you join. Everyone who joins after you...worldwide...contributes to your potential bonus pools.
Many companies have profit-sharing pools of maybe 1% or 2% of profits. At Xyngular it's a whopping 12% of total, company-wide sales volume...not just profits. It's divided into 12 separate pools. And everyone from Manager on up benefits.


Are you enjoying all the benefits of daily pay?

Daily pay is one of the Xyngular's most exciting features.
It is incredibly motivating to new Distributors to find a check in their mailbox within days of taking action.

In most companies you get your commissions as much as a month and a half late. Here's how it works other places. If you recruit someone at the first of the month, you have to wait to the middle of the next month to receive a check because they have to close out the month, cut the checks, and mail them out.
At Xyngular it checks are cut daily or money is instantly transferred into your eWallet account based on your actions.

Many Distributors love the excitement of going to the mailbox for checks that, depending on your activity, could arrive many times throughout the month. New Distributors especially love taking a photo of their check and posting it on Facebook for friends to see. Many distributors actually mount a copy of their first check on the wall to prove that they are in business for themselves.

Others love the convenience and security of eWallet. Here are just a few of its benefits.
• Money is transferred instantly into your account without waiting for the mail or your bank to process your check.
• Accounting is much easier with eWallet.
• You never risk misplacing a check.
• Commissions can be deposited instantly anywhere in the world.
• You're free to review your transaction history and activity 24/7 in password-protected statements.
• You can personalize your e-Wallet to transfer funds into your bank account.
• You can make a payment to your Visa or Mastercard credit card from eWallet.
• You can order a prepaid Visa card on which you can deposit funds.
• You can send funds to another e-Wallet enrollee on the system.
• You can pay for Xyngular products directly from your e-Wallet.

Other Xyngular eWallet Features
• You can wire funds from eWallet to ANY bank account.
• You can automatically pay for your autoship from funds / commissions in your eWallet.
• You can add funds to your eWallet from your bank account or credit card.
• You can transfer money to one of thousands of cash pickup locations all around the world.
• You can receive commission payments in any country.
• You can pay Bills direct from eWallet through our US bill pay network
• You can access your Xyngular eWallet securely from your mobile phone or the Internet.