domingo, 9 de octubre de 2011

No Hurdles...Xyngular Compensation is built on incentives, not penalties

In our industry many compensation plans are so complex and full of penalties and hurdles that Distributors are clueless about how to maximize earnings with minimum effort. That confuses and slows them down. It seems to take forever to break even. Many don't break even. Those who drop out give our industry a black eye, saying, "you can't make money in network marketing unless you're at the top of a huge tree." Sadly, in many if not most companies, that's true. Not at Xyngular.

At Xyngular people can move into significant income quickly. We hear the stories again and again. There are no confusing hurdles or penalties. Their belief window for making significant income opens wide within the first few weeks of joining. They see clearly how to break even quickly and make significant income right away. They move through the stages of advancement based on Group Volume without all kinds of qualification and recruiting hurdles.

So what are the hurdles in other companies that don't exist at Xyngular?

Hurdle #1: Structure Qualification Penalties
In most other companies emerging leaders go crazy begging their people to reach difficult goals before the end of each month. Closing out each month becomes a nightmare. Not at Xyngular. At Xyngular you qualify by simply growing your Group Volume, not begging and coaxing your people to recruit and promote.

Hurdle #2: Timing Penalties
At Xyngular we want you to get to Manager as soon as possible. You get there by maintaining only 2,000 in Group Volume…that's all. At that point your commissions go up dramatically, as much as 20%. That's on a group volume of only 2,000 GV. That's a huge pay raise that comes quickly in your career.
At only 10,000 Group Volume you're invited to Sundance and get to know the leaders of the company on a personal basis. In most other companies leaders have to jump through a lot more hoops and qualify on a lot more levels before they're given their first travel incentive.

Hurdle #3: Constant Recruiting Penalties
In many companies Distributors are required to fill constant recruiting quotas to qualify for the higher commissions. At Xyngular we provide attractive incentives rather than penalties to encourage recruiting. They include Rapid Rewards and Quick Start Bonuses.

Hurdle #4: Personal Volume Penalties
Compare our simple qualifications with the suffocating personal volume penalties of other companies. At Xyngular we only require a basic supply of products to use and share every month. You're qualified forever on that minimum 120 PV order.

Hurdle #5: Monthly Fees and Tool Expenses
Many companies charge expensive monthly fees for website marketing systems and tools. These charges make it difficult if not impossible to break even quickly. At Xyngular most handouts are available to download off our website. There are no added charges to slow you down. You don't have to coax your new Distributors to buy and distribute lots of expensive magazines, catalogs, DVDs, CDs, and brochures so they can succeed. Ask distributors from other companies about obsolete supplies and inventory sitting in their garage.
At Xyngular there's only one affordable $19.95 annual fee. We even have free online training, free online tools, money-back guarantees, and no shipping and handling fees on orders over 200 PV. At Xyngular Distributors win their way to events so they're not spending a fortune on travel to make a little part-time money. An average person can definitely earn full-time income on part-time effort.

Hurdle #6: Breakage
This is a hidden penalty more than a hurdle. Most companies claim to pay huge percentages, but they actually pay out far less because of something they don't want you to know about called "breakage." This dirty little secret happens when someone in your downline drops out or doesn't qualify. The money you would earn from people positioned below them evaporates up to the company as "breakage." Not at Xyngular.
We use Dynamic Compression so you are always paid on all levels--from where the product is sold all the way up to you. You could earn from dozens of levels down.

Hurdle #7: International Boundaries
This one is more of a hidden road block than a hurdle. Other companies don't put you in line to benefit from company-wide, international growth. At Xyngular we have no international boundaries.
In other companies if someone builds on another continent, you wouldn't see a single penny. But at Xyngular, as the company explodes internationally, and that's happening right now, we're paid commissions through corporate Sales Pools on all that world-wide growth. It starts the moment you join. Everyone who joins after you...worldwide...contributes to your potential bonus pools.
Many companies have profit-sharing pools of maybe 1% or 2% of profits. At Xyngular it's a whopping 12% of total, company-wide sales volume...not just profits. It's divided into 12 separate pools. And everyone from Manager on up benefits.

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